3.10 Lists Lesson

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Imagine you are shopping online for your favorite item. Hundreds of stores sell the same item, but all of them sell for different prices. You want to find the store that sells for the lowest price.

Manually going through all the stores would take hours, so you create an algorithm that can quickly find the cheapest store.

Pretend there are only 3 stores to choose from. You put each store's price in a variable.
store1 ← price1
store2 ← price2
store3 ← price3

What is the minimum number of IF statements you would need in the algorithm to find the store with the cheapest price?


First, you compare the values of store1 and store2, adding one IF statement to the algorithm.

You then compare the lesser of the two with store3, adding another IF statement.

Whichever of those two values is lesser is the cheapest price, so you would need a minimum of two IF statements.

You create another variable store4 ← price4.

What is the minimum number of IF statements you would need to add to the algorithm for it to work with 4 variables instead of 3?


The previous algorithm, which works with three values, finds the lowest of three values.

Thus, you only need one more IF statement to compare the output of the previous algorithm with store4.

Suppose you have \(n\) number of stores. What is the minimum number of variables and IF statements you would need in the algorithm?


You would need to create \(n\) variables to contain the prices of \(n\) stores.

Each IF statement can eliminate one store from being possibly the cheapest. You can eliminate \(n - 1\) stores before having only 1 store left behind. Thus, you would need \(n - 1\) IF statements to find the cheapest store.

Adding the number of variables and IF statements together and simplifying, you would need \(2n - 1\) variables and IF statements.

As you just figured out, you would need \(2n - 1\) variables and IF statements to find the cheapest of \(n\) stores. If you had 100 stores to choose from, you would need 199 variables and IF statements!

Not only can the number of variables and IF statements get out of control, but you would also need to recreate the algorithm for every specific number of stores!

Clearly, this can get very unmanagable, so programmers created a structure called lists.

List Definition A series of ordered values each stored at a specific integer index

A list is like a sequence of cubbyholes put in a straight line. Each cubbyhole is called an element and has a sticky-note containing a number attached to it, which is called its index. The first cubbyhole in this sequence has an index of 1, the second has an index of 2, the third has 3, and so on. This index is like the cubbyhole's address. Each cubbyhole can also store things like a stack of papers, which is called its value.

This sequence of cubbyholes is also mutable. New cubbyholes can be added and others can be removed. Cubbyholes can also be inserted between other cubbyholes.

A list is created in pseudocode using square brackets []. Brackets without anything inside them create an empty list with no elements inside. Brackets with values inside them like [value1, value2, value3] create a list with values. value1 is stored at index 1, value2 is stored at index 2, and so on in this bracket notation.

An element in a list can be retrieved by its index. list[index] is pseudocode for retrieving an element stored at index. In pseudocode, the first element of a list has index 1.

An element's value can be replaced by another value. list[index] ← value is pseudocode for replacing the value stored in the element located at index with value.

Let's get some practice with this before moving on to other ways to use lists.

list1 ← [1, 4, 0, 29, 2]
list2 ← [23, 0, 8, 9, 9]
element ← list2[list1[5]]
list1[element + 1] ← list2[element + list1[2]]

What does list1 contain after running the code above?


Since list1[5] retrieves the value 2, list2[list1[5]] is equivalent to list2[2], which retrieves the value 0. element is assigned this value of 0.

Since list1[2] retrieves the value 4, element + list1[2] evaluates to 4. element + 1 also evaluates to 1. Thus, list1[element + 1] ← list2[element + list1[2]] is equivalent to list1[1] ← list2[4], which assigns the first index of list1 the value located at index 4 in list2.

There are also other list operations.

Let's get some practice with these concepts.

list1 ← [1, 4, 0, 29, 2]
list2 ← [23, 0, 8, 9, 9]
FOR EACH number IN list1
    APPEND(list2, number)
    REMOVE(list2, 1)
INSERT(list2, 3, 4);
x ← 0
FOR EACH number IN list2
    x ← x + number
x ← x / LENGTH(list2)

What does x contain, rounded to the nearest tenth, after running the code above?


The first FOR loop appends each value in list1 to the end of list2 and removes the first five elements of list2 since the loop iterates 5 times—once for every element in list1. list2 now contains [1, 4, 0, 29, 2].

The insertion changes list2 to [1, 4, 4, 0, 29, 2].

The second FOR loop sums all the values in list2. x contains 40 after the loop.

Finally, the value of x is divided by the number of elements in list2, assigning x the average of the values in list2: ~6.7.

Let's go back to the original problem of creating an algorithm to find the cheapest store out of a number of stores.

You put each store's price in a list storePrices. The price at index 1 is the price for store1, the price at index 2 is the price for store2, and so on.

You make the algorithm below to find the cheapest price in storePrices, but it's missing a piece.

storePrices ← [price1, price2, price3, ...]
lowestPrice ← storePrice[1]
FOR EACH price IN storePrices
        lowestPrice ← price

What should the missing code segment in the code above be replaced with so that lowestPrice contains the lowest price in storePrices?


Only price < lowestPrice will update the lowestPrice when a new low is found.

price > lowestPrice will find the greatest number in storePrices, so that is not what we want.

price stores an element in the list storePrices, not an element's index, so any solution with storePrices[price] is incorrect.

Just by using a list instead of individual variables, the algorithm was reduced to a few lines of code from the possibly hundreds for a large number of stores.

Not only did using a list reduce code length, but it also allowed the algorithm above to work with any number of stores. No matter how many prices storePrices contains, every price in the list is checked thanks to the FOR loop. Without lists, we would've had to recreate the above algorithm for any specific number of stores.

More abstractly, the algorithm you just created above finds the minimum value in a list.

But wait, the algorithm only outputs a price, not the index at which the price is stored! We need to know the price's index so that we know at which store we can find such a price.

The following code shows an algorithm that searches a list for a value and stores that value's index in targetIndex. This is a type of linear search algorithm.

list ← [value1, value2, value3, ...]
targetValue ← someValue
targetIndex ← -1
index ← 1
REPEAT UNTIL(index > LENGTH(list))
    IF(list[index] = targetValue)
        targetIndex ← index
    index ← index + 1

The algorithm above does redundant computations for some lists and inputs. What should the missing code segment be replaced with so that no redundant computations are made?


Even when the algorithm finds its target value, it keeps iterating through the rest of the list, which adds redundant computations.

The only answer that can stop the REPEAT UNTIL loop when the target value is found is index ← LENGTH(list), which sets index to the length of the list. When 1 is added to index after being set to the length of the list, the value stored in index is greater than the length of the list, so the loop stops.

Using these handy-dandy algorithms, you can now find which store sells your favorite item for the lowest price in mere milliseconds. Say goodbye to those days of meticulously comparing prices by hand!

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